Friday 7 September 2007

The first day of term

The first day of the September term – and ironically, one of the best days we’ve had in ages! At least some young people weren’t stuck in school.

Minibus arrived on time and group greeted at assembly area – see the new map!

Group given the tour of the farm and its environs.

so much to see

Tour started with identifying that the benches and table in the assembly area are made of recycled materials. Moved on to the hexagon storage area and the recycled ‘Rehab’ Road’ At each point, the nature and benefit of the recycled products being used was pointed out: The recycled glass layer, the road itself, its properties and who laid it.

Group taken then up to view/information point to see the farm from above.

Group told about the Sewage farm, the Electricity Generating site, the nature of a brown field site and what we hope to achieve. The shape and scope of the entire site explained by reference to prominent features and landmarks. The intention of the project outlined at several points and their opinion elicited.

Willow plantation pointed out and its purpose explained, Trees planted by other groups also pointed out.

... and so much wildlife

Wildlife of the area outlined. Recent spottings of late given - skylarks, greenfinches, housemartins, stoats and rabbits.

Back to farm. CCTV explained.

Tour of veg’ allotments and Q+A on veg’. Lots of tasting/smelling, including nasturtium flowers, rosemary, onion, mooli, spinach, lavender, basil, sweetcorn, beetroot tops, lettuce, beans, radish and a whole lot more!

Explanation of willow burning unit.

Tour of fish farm including Catfish, Tilapia, Silver Carp, Sturgeon and Koi markets explained. Intro’ to Alberto and Mick. Future of the farm and allied projects explained.

The enclosed loop systems explained, whole system demonstrated and explained. Group allowed to feed fish.

Wormery demonstrated and explained

Tomatoes/cucumbers picked/tasted/set aside for lunch.

Short tour of the recycled plastic store and its origins explained.

Visit to potting shed and greenhouse. Demonstration and explanation what was currently in there; Paper pots and compost making.

Lunch, and afterwards

Lunch included anything we’d picked up on the way round…

Group put to work preparing the site for the installation of the beehives we have ordered.

Site selected earlier under the auspices of beekeepers we have contact with.

Site cleared of weeds and growth, hard core laid, sand blind laid and the pump house valve isolator chamber made safe by covering it with a steel grid.

Everything tidied away and cleaned up.

The group (and the staff!) worked very hard and we got a lot done. At all times I found the young people responsive and happy to help.